Drug Charges

Can I Go To Work During My Jail Term?

There are many crimes in Arizona that result in a person serving a term of jail.  A term of jail can devastate a person’s career.  However, there are two programs that will allow a person to continue working while a person is serving a term of jail.  Furthermore, these programs DO NOT extend the time a person spends in custody. Under both the Work Furlough and Work Release programs, a person may continue working and fulfill the requirements of their

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What is the Crime of Possession of Narcotic Drugs?

The crime of Possession of Narcotic Drugs is found in Arizona Revised Statute, section 13-3408. This crime makes it illegal for a person to knowingly: Possess a narcotic drug Possess a narcotic drug for sale. Possess equipment or chemicals, or both, for the purpose of manufacturing a narcotic drug. Manufacture a narcotic drug. Administer a narcotic drug to another person. Obtain or procure the administration of a narcotic drug by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or subterfuge. Transport for sale, import into

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